The Curse of the Tarot: How to use the Tarot to curse and lift curses by Sirius Rising
Curses are ancient in their roots. There are many references in the Bible and other sacred texts to the deployment of curses. Even in these days of atheistic materialistic Scientism, many of us are still deeply superstitious.
In many countries the curse of the evil eye is still feared by large parts of the population.
Does the curse have a rightful place in modern living?
Does anyone have the right to curse somebody else?
These are questions we will discuss and hopefully answer in this book.
But what of the Tarot? Surely these colorful cards consulted on seaside piers and at carnivals, are just a fun way to learn about our immediate futures?
You will learn that the Tarot is a powerful magical tool that can be used for darker purposes which include cursing, protecting from curses and lifting curses.