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Beginner's Guide to the Tarot: From beginner to advanced user in just 7 days
Perhaps you have just bought your first set of Tarot cards or you’ve rediscovered a deck you’ve had for years?
Whatever the reason, the Tarot has a way of finding those who sincerely seek her wisdom, guidance and protection.
Most of us would agree that we live in difficult and confusing times. Never before has the world seemed to change so fast and so much. Each day the news we read or watch carries more and more frightening and sad stories.
Now, more than ever, we need a spiritual base in this materialistic world that is obsessed with looks and money.
The powerful and timeless archetypes of the Tarot allow us to anchor our conscious and subconscious minds while those around us are lost and sadly completely at sea. Indeed, our own mental well-being, and our ability to help others, may depend on us studying ancient truths such as the Tarot.
This practical guide will begin by taking the novice step by step through the profound wisdom of the Major Arcana. Guided examples will then follow using the most popular and soul-searching of the Tarot spreads. After this intensive and enjoyable course the reader will find themselves to be at an advanced level and able to read Tarot for themselves, friends and clients in just 7 days!
The Tarot and Sex Magic: Use Tarot to help you get anything or anyone
Verified buyer 5 star review: "Very concise and to the point. Useful and easy to follow. I have used the tarot before with sex magick rites. This has other ideas which I will use and add to my repertoire of methods and spells using the TAROT."
Sex and Magick are the perfect partners.
This practical and easy to follow manual offers a solution to working with sex magic for the modern magician who is working alone and with few magical props other than your favorite Tarot deck. This work is suited to those magicians who are short on time and who needs to change some major aspects of their life.
This manual will look at powerful and practical ways to prepare the magical self before performing a sex magical ritual.
For centuries practicing magicians have sought to marry these atavistic and powerful human forces together.
Usually those who offer teaching on sex rituals have been condescending and patronising to the intelligent and sincere magician. More often access to genuine sex ritual techniques are secretive, impossibly impractical, complex or beyond the expense of the normal working occultist.
Perhaps you did have the opportunity to work within a magical order that tantalisingly offers the carrot of sex magick at the end of a series of ever increasingly difficult (and expensive) initiations. You probably sensibly parted ways before your magical energy was drained. Maybe you did meet a lover who shared your passion for the occult but who stopped short at sharing their bed through a sex ritual.
The often neglected aspect of cursing those who will not allow you to do your True Will is examined and a solution offered through the sex magic ritual.
Finally, the use of the Tarot to contact the dead to ask for advice, either before or after the sex ritual, is examined in this practical and easy to follow manual.
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